Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
– Philippians 2:9–11, Isaiah 45:23
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At the manger, Mary and Joseph knelt to tenderly cradle their newborn baby. Sent by a glorious angelic host, shepherds knelt before Him in wonderment. Led by a brilliant star, wise men knelt before Him to present their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. A King had been born!
Prophets foretold this miraculous birth of Emmanuel, God with us. From cradle to cross this heavenly King humbled Himself as a gift of grace. While many before the cross have humbly bowed, still to be fulfilled is the prophets’ pronounce- ment that before this eternal King every knee shall bow.
While secularism and political correctness seek to minimize the spiritual significance of the season, for Christians the reason for Christmas is indeed a celebration of Christ’s birth. There is no more joyous time than Christmas to herald the coming of Christ the Messiah, our King, our Savior, our Lord, before whom every knee shall bow.
Recently in Israel at a gathering of Christians an Orthodox Jew shared from his heart that he believed the Messiah is soon to come. Then incredibly he declared, if Jesus should be the Messiah, he would rejoice! Another affirmation of the Judeo-Christian heritage by a prominent c0nservative Jew, is his support of the Christian Anti-defamation League. These are indeed interesting positions by our Jewish friends who recognize the prophetic signs of the times!
Whether you suffer losses from devastating storms, or face trials of enormous risk, or experience burdens of great depth, the joy of Jesus shall sustain you. As the Psalmist proclaimed, praise and worship usher us before His very presence and bring us through our circumstances with peace and joy. God in His compassion sent His Son to fill our every need.
This Christmas kneel in praise and worship of Jesus who for our salvation bowed Himself to earth. In humility He modeled a life of obedience and service. By kneeling to wash His disciple’s feet, He set the example of servanthood. By kneeling before the Father to pray, He taught the value of a worshipful relationship with God the Father. What a profound paradox that before this same Jesus, every knee shall bow. Our King Jesus is indeed worthy of our praise! There is no greater blessing at this season than to pronounce a merry Christmas to all!
With blessings,
Sheryl Dawson
Christmas, 2005