Christmas in Heaven
See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. Isaiah 65:17
Summary: Have you ever wondered what Christmas is like in Heaven? Imagine celebrating Christmas with Jesus Himself in person! Might we go caroling and sing the many beloved Christmas songs? Will musicians and singers join in celestial concerts? Won’t it be enthralling to hear Handel’s Messiah performed by the entire celestial chorus and orchestra with Handel himself conducting? Will it be sung in a cacophony of languages or one heavenly language? Imagine massive organ pipes engulfing the vast expanse of Heaven with the beloved Messiah’s chorus’ voluminous Hallelujahs! This Christmas as you remember the birth of Jesus, imagine celebrating Christmas in Heaven with Him and all the saints and angels. Set your hope in Him and sing Hallelujah for eternity!
Have you ever wondered what Christmas is like in Heaven? This year I read Randy Alcorn’s classic book Heaven, and it is an intriguing description based on Biblical references of what Heaven is like. While life on earth has many joys, Heaven will be astronomically superior in every way. As Christmas is my favorite season, I began to wonder what Christmas may be like in Heaven. Imagine celebrating Christmas with Jesus Himself in person! Heaven’s saints no doubt congregate around the throne room of God to celebrate the Son’s earthly birth. Now, granted it may not be on December 25th as that is a prescribed date from the time of Constantine’s reign over the Roman Empire and given the Biblical account is not likely Jesus’ actual birth date. Traditions are tough to break, so most Christians celebrate in December. When I arrive in Heaven, I am anxious to learn the real date and join in the Heavenly version of His birthday celebration. I have no doubt of its ongoing significance in Heaven, as the birth of Jesus initiated fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan for humans and earth cursed by the original sin of Adam and Eve. As sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way, death came to all people, because all sinned… God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! Romans 5:12, 15
The Christmas Story
Christmas represents the mass for the Messiah’s coming to earth as Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23). Born of the virgin Mary He is also the Son of Man. Such a miraculous gift to all humankind required a chorus of the heavenly hosts to announce His birth to the shepherds in the fields and direct them to seek in Bethlehem the newborn lying in a stable manger. On an expansive heavenly screen, will God project for all angels and saints the amazing scene in panoramic retrospective? Despite the many movies portraying the life of Christ, none likely can compare to the actual scenes. While the prophets and Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John provide many details, it will be enthralling to see every nuance revealed to reminisce that unique and miraculous time in history. And it will be spellbinding to hear from each of the characters who were present regarding their personal remembrances.
What will Mary and Joseph share? Wouldn’t it be inspiring to hear how their faith enabled them to follow the leading of the angel of the Lord and Holy Spirit in the realization that they were chosen for the God-human virgin birth prophesied (Isaiah 7:14); in their difficult travel to Bethlehem, then secret escape to Egypt, and finally to Nazareth after the cruel paranoid King Herod died. And I would love to hear what the traveling Magi from the East share about their discovery in the skies of Judea and how they were led to worship the royal Child bringing the first precious and prophetic Christmas gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). Did they arrive on His birthday in year one or two? After all, the astronomers shared with Herod that their journey took months from the time they saw His star to their arrival in Jerusalem inquiring of the birth of the King of the Jews. And will the babies under two killed in Herod’s Bethlehem massacre be present, their lives cut short by Satan’s attempt through an insanely jealous Herod to cut off the Son of God? And might Jesus recount His early childhood? Children are so much a part of Christmas on earth that it would be fascinating to learn about His early years shrouded in mystery. How did His earthly family celebrate Jesus’ childhood birthdays?
Christmas Traditions
What will the Heavenly celebration be like? Will any of our cherished earthly traditions of the season be incorporated? Aside from gifts we surely shall place at the feet of Jesus, will we share gifts with one another? Will we decorate the heavenly trees? No artificial lights are necessary as the light of God illuminates all of Heaven! No doubt there will be a sumptuous feast! I imagine we will order our favorite foods enjoyed here on earth from the heavenly kitchens. Or will we bake tantalizing treats ourselves? Perhaps with the saints from around the world we will taste new and exciting cuisines. Will we visit from mansion to mansion to hear the stories from saints of Christmas’ past shared on earth with family and friends? Might we go caroling and sing the many beloved Christmas songs? Will musicians and singers join in celestial concerts? Won’t it be enthralling to hear Handel’s Messiah performed by the entire celestial chorus and orchestra with Handel himself conducting? Will it be sung in a cacophony of languages or one heavenly language? Imagine massive organ pipes engulfing the vast expanse of Heaven with the beloved Messiah’s chorus’ voluminous Hallelujahs!
New Heaven & New Earth
Alcorn shares extensively about the new Heaven and earth and how they will become one after the Millenium (Revelation 21:1). Might the Heavenly Christmas celebration change? Will the inspiration of Eden restored alter our desires for celebration? With the arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth united with the new Heaven and the new Jerusalem, will Jesus our King welcome us in Jerusalem at any time? (Revelation 21: 23-25) Will time even be counted in years, months, and days? Perhaps Christmas will be not just one day or 12 days in a year, but an ongoing, eternal celebration. All who have come to faith in Jesus Christ, who died in their place to bring salvation on earth and in heaven for eternity (Hebrews 9:28), may rejoice in perpetual gratitude and humility. Reunited with loved ones and friends who preceded them, might the saints see and experience the love, joy, and peace of Christmas in each moment of eternity? Truly the Lord’s Prayer shall be fulfilled, …Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10
Our World Under the Curse
In the meantime, we live in a godless world in which all manner of evil prevails. In the last four years our eyes have been opened to the depth and breadth of the curse: a global “plandemic” tyranny (see Christmas: The Greatest Reset) with mandated lockdowns, masking and fake “vaccines” falsely labeled “safe and effective” by industry-captured and corrupt health agencies and governments worldwide, fake climate crisis and destruction of energy independence, censorship and cancellation of nonconforming experts, abuse of children with perverted transgender ideologies reminiscent of first century pagan religions, the degradation of marriage and the family, the left’s support of State Constitutional enshrinement of abortion after reversal of Roe v Wade, attacks on our Constitution and Bill of Rights, lawlessness, two-tiered justice and lawfare against political enemies, false flag events, out-of-control government spending and money laundering that destroy our dollar and economy, corrupt government agencies and compromised leaders, fraudulent elections, a propagandizing main stream and social media, upside down domestic and foreign policies that allow open borders with uncontrolled illegal immigration, unchecked human and drug trafficking, and support of foreign enemies and terrorists including Iran and Hamas over our ally Israel, the persecution of Jews and Christians, and apostasy in the church. When one connects the dots, the globalist cabal, deep state, and left are clearly united in these assaults on humanity, Western values, and civilization. It is the ancient Satanic war against God: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, and the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
Sin abounds! (II Timothy 3: 1-5) Were it not for Christmas and the gospel of grace in Christ Jesus, the earth and all that is in it would be condemned. Thankfully, God is in control: Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling… Blessed are all who take refuge in him. Psalm 2:11 – 12 Indeed the lost world’s hope is found in Him alone.
Human Factor vs God Factor
The 2019 documentary Human Factor (available on Amazon Prime) recounts the decades long and multi-world leaders’ futile endeavor to forge a two-state solution between Palestinians and Israel. At the end when a former negotiator is asked, “Can there ever be a two-state solution?” he unhesitatingly responds, “There is zero chance as it would take a heart change.” And that is precisely correct – it takes the God factor of a changed heart to overcome hatred and live in unity and peace.
While many Arabs stayed in Israel in 1948 during the five-state Arab war against the newly formed Jewish state, most evacuated to Jordan. When Israel miraculously won the war, Arabs who remained in Israel became citizens and support Israel today. Those who left were not assimilated by Jordan but sent to a refugee camp in the “West Bank” which Jordan controlled after the war. They adopted the Palestinian name to falsely project a historical claim on the land of Israel, formerly called Palestine by the Romans centuries ago after the Jewish diaspora. The PLO terrorist organization was formed in 1964 advocating the destruction of Israel to replace with a Palestinian state, though many Arab states already surround Israel with vastly greater land mass. In the 1967 Six Day War Israel recaptured the “West Bank,” which is the heartland of Judea/Samaria, part of the everlasting land covenant of God with Israel (Genesis 15:18); the Arabs remained in their settled camps with the PLO governing. To this day most Palestinians, Arab states and Persian Iran surrounding Israel call for the destruction of Israel and killing Jews. The PLO and Hamas charters call for the same. Their hearts are hardened against the Israeli state, an age-old hatred originating with Abraham’s sons, Isaac and Ishmael. (Genesis 21) Though God blessed Ishmael with a great nation, it was Isaac’s genealogy from whom Jesus was born. (Matthew 1)
Heavenly Unity & Peace
What is your perspective on Christmas? On Heaven? On Jesus? Have you embraced the Christmas story beyond the traditions and customs of culture and family? Has Christmas become a spiritual reality in your heart? Have you received the gospel gift of salvation? Jesus did not come to earth for Himself, or even for His Father alone, but for you! He came to redeem a broken earth and fallen humanity. Though born a Jew, Jesus proclaimed that He is Savior of the world, both for Jew and Gentile. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. I John 4:14 Reflect on this moving song of His blessed assurance: I Set My Hope on Jesus In whom have you set your hope?
Jesus fulfilled the many Old Testament prophecies of His first coming and shall fulfill all Old and New Testament prophecies of His approaching second coming (Isaiah 53; Luke 24:25-32). In the new Heaven and earth, the world will be united in one Kingdom. Though diverse people and tongues shall be present, they shall be one in Christ. There shall be no more division, no more wars nor rumors of war, no conflict, pain, tears, nor fear. The saints shall live in harmony, worship in unity, and embrace one another in perfect peace. This Christmas as you remember the birth of Jesus, imagine celebrating Christmas in Heaven with Him and all the saints and angels. Set your hope in Him and sing Hallelujah for eternity!
By Sheryl Dawson
Christmas 2023
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