Redemption Cup & the Cup of Trembling

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Easter/ Passover: Where is the Promise of His Coming?


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Jesus Weeps: Amid Chaos Flow Rivers of Living Water


“The one who believes in me, will have rivers of living water flowing from his heart.” John 7:38

Summary: Jesus has compassion today just as when he was on earth. He weeps for the world in chaos. He weeps for the Jewish people who have yet to recognize their Messiah. He weeps for his church fallen into apostasy, unable to recognize false doctrines that seek to align with a godless culture. Jesus weeps for those taken in by false narratives of globalists intent on enslaving humans around the world. This article addresses the global pandemic agendas and narratives that played out in the last two and a half years to promote fear and gain compliance with policies that undermined health, eroded freedoms, and enabled tyranny globally. Knowing truth empowers people to regain health freedom, resist fear and oppression, and demand accountability of leaders at all governmental levels. Yes, Jesus weeps. Not out of despair, but from the unfathomable depth of his love for humanity to bring restoration, healing, and salvation. Jesus will give you streams of joy, peace, and abundant life amid chaos and the overflow of your heart shall bless others around you.

Introduction – Jesus’ Compassion on Earth

During his time on earth as a man Jesus felt emotions. As the Son of God his emotions are imbued with the heart of God who is love. (I John 4:8) So, when Jesus went to his friends who had just lost their brother, he wept. Jesus learned of his friend’s illness days before when he received a message imploring him to come and heal his friend, Lazarus. Yet, Jesus lingered where he was ministering and did not arrive until four days after the death of Lazarus. When Mary and Martha shared their grief and wondered why he had not come sooner, he wept. (John 11) Why did he weep? Was it in compassion for his grieving friends? He knew he had delayed coming to reveal his power as the Son of God and that He would raise Lazarus. Did he weep because of their little faith? Having seen healing miracles, they had sent for him expecting his healing touch. Out of his great compassion and love, Jesus prayed, and demonstrating his power over death, called forth Lazarus and he rose out of his tomb!

In another poignant scripture Jesus grieved for Jerusalem on the Mt of Olives just before his crucifixion. (Matthew 23:37) He knew that the people would follow the religious leaders and shout for his death. He knew that merely decades after his death and resurrection, the Romans would destroy Jerusalem and the Jewish people would be scattered in the diaspora to the four corners of the earth. It would be almost two thousand years before fulfillment of their prophesied regathering into the modern state of Israel. These powerful examples of Jesus love and compassion renew our hope in times of great challenge and confusion.

Jesus Weeps Today

Indeed, Jesus has compassion today just as when he was on earth. In his ascent to heaven he declared, “I am with you always.” Matthew 28:20 And today he weeps for the world in chaos. He weeps for the Jewish people who have yet to recognize their Messiah. He weeps for his church fallen into apostasy, unable to recognize false doctrines that seek to align with a godless culture. Jesus weeps for those taken in by false narratives of globalists intent on enslaving humans around the world.

America, founded on Christian values and Biblical principles, has been blessed even through the disruptive and painful Civil War, Great Depression, two World Wars, and other conflicts over the generations. Yet having compromised its founding principles throughout government, institutions, and culture, America’s foundation is cracking. Moving further and further from God, American culture has become perverted, institutions corrupted, and its Republic threatened by socialism, communism, and secularism. Jesus weeps for America. Can Jesus save America from its crumbling values?

Return and Overcome

“If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14 This verse is as applicable today as it was when spoken by the prophet to ancient Israel. The church, His adopted people, must return to Biblical truth, and pray for the healing of America. We must also educate ourselves and be discerning of Constitutional and legal compromises that weaken America and act accordingly to protect our God-given freedoms and institutions.

Global Forces Seek Control

The battle seems overwhelming as the globalist agenda has done great harm over the last 70 years, culminating in over two years of pandemic with a global response designed to create fear and weaken the resolve of those who find it easier to go along to get along. Churches closed. Educational institutions went remote. A great wealth transfer occurred from the middle class and small businesses to large corporate entities controlled by the globalists.1 In the name of public health, national and state governments imposed their will and control on their citizens. The resulting social, educational, and economic carnage was of no concern to the globalists or the leaders who were in control.

WHO, CDC, FDA implemented an unprecedented global response. How did it happen in lockstep? Indeed, we have learned that it was a plan.2 Lockdown, masking, social distancing, shaming, and coercion have proven effective only to promote fear, disrupt social interaction, and gain compliance; none of these actions reduced the spread of the virus. Most damning is that the propagandists knew their rules were ineffective against transmission. To cover their lies, they censored contrary information as misinformation. When reality got in the way, they would simply change their lies claiming, “evolving science.”

It is baffling to immunologists that they chose a corona virus transmitted by air for their pandemic plan; the immune system is extraordinarily complex, and the respiratory/ lung system is separate from the immune system of other organs. Therefore, a vaccine injected cannot stop transmission of an airborne virus.3 This is the reason researchers have never created an effective vaccine for corona viruses or the common cold though they have tried for decades.

Furthermore, we have learned through brave doctors, researchers, and leaders opposed to the false narrative pushed by a captured media and the censorship of big tech, that the pandemic response was designed as a vehicle to control the world through the World Economic Forum Great Reset. When one connects all the dots of what has happened around the world in the last two and a half years, the resulting picture is frightening in its sinister goal. Any information, data, evidence, or opinion contrary to the globalist’s narrative is refuted as conspiracy theory and alternative voices censored and cancelled. But the globalist cabal is quite open about their goal for control.4

Wealth Above Health

While suitable early treatments were suppressed to allow the roll out of emergency vaccines without proper testing, millions died around the world.5 Jesus weeps for their souls. These treatments, which are proven and documented to have saved 85% of the vulnerable when used early in covid illness, still are withheld from the public.6 Instead, the CDC issued a treatment protocol to health care systems incentivized to use the ineffective protocol that killed many hospitalized patients. Doctors who sought to use other proven medications were penalized by hospital administrators and even fired for not complying; other dissenters have had their licenses threatened. It has never been the CDC’s responsibility to prescribe treatments and interfere with doctors’ treatment of their patients.7 Now a year and a half after the vaccines were distributed, the vaccinated are repeatedly getting covid because of new variants, and their weakened immune systems caused by the leaky vaccine. CDC knew that covid vaccines are not able to stop transmission, so they changed the definition of vaccine! Why? Vaccines are the only drug treatment from which big pharma is exempt from liability.8

Throughout the covid vaccines roll out, thousands of adverse reactions including death occurred. The CDC and doctors dismiss these as unrelated to the vaccines. The US official database for vaccine adverse reactions, VAERS, has over a million reports, and thousands deleted without explanation. These represent only a fraction of the true numbers. There are more adverse reaction reports for covid vaccines than for all previous vaccines over the last 20 years, yet the CDC continues to turn a blind eye.9 The same has happened in all Western countries that are heavily vaxed, including Israel whose leaders cut an early deal with Pfizer. The apple of God’s eye became a petri dish for covid vaccines. Surely, Jesus weeps. Poorer countries in Africa, India, and South America with access to early treatments came through the pandemic to herd immunity with few deaths.10

Covid Vaccine Consequences

The evidence is obvious, yet WHO, CDC, FDA, and Western governments continue their charade with emergency powers, mandates, and tyranny. Since mandating experimental drugs is against the Nuremberg Code and Federal law, they turned to coercive corporate mandates, also violating Federal law that prohibits coercion and requires informed consent. DOD mandates also violate law and weaken our defense readiness and national security.11 The airline industry is visibly disrupted from the mandates; many pilots were injured or forced out for not complying. The media ignores the obvious connection to thousands of cancelled flights. The unvaxed are blamed for the ongoing viral transmission, yet they are healthier, tend not to repeat exposure to covid due to natural immunity, and have stronger immunity to other illnesses than those who believed the lies, trusted an untrustworthy medical establishment, and hold tightly to their mass formation!12 It is estimated that about a third of the population believe the global narrative and comply, another third know they have been manipulated but comply for a host of practical reasons, and a third seek truth and do not comply. Regardless of one’s viewpoint, the stress associated with the rules, disruptive consequences, censorship, manipulation, and loss of freedom and control on one’s life has resulted in chaos and depression – just what the globalists desire.

Meanwhile, insurance companies have reported huge increases in deaths of working aged people in 2021 – a trend continuing in 2022.13 Unable to ignore the dead bodies, the establishment, and their loyal media megaphones bought by big pharma advertising, shake their heads in feigned confusion about a so-called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, previously known as Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome! They think if they give it a mysterious name, they can distract from the obvious – healthy young people, even athletes in top shape, who have been jabbed are suddenly dying in alarming numbers. Jesus weeps for the lost souls taken before their time by blood clots leading to stroke and other organ failure, neurological disorders caused by nano lipid particles crossing the blood/brain barrier, and heart disorders affected by the deadly Spike protein made by their own bodies and unrecognized by their immune system as foreign because of the vax (auto immune deficiency).14

Then there are the women who have suffered miscarriages up to 200% higher than normal or who have sick babies from mother’s milk contaminated by Spike protein.15 Other women suffer menstrual abnormalities. The Spike protein that was claimed to stay in the arm, disseminates to the organs, causing all manner of illnesses and potentially infertility and DNA alteration.16 Jesus weeps for the injured and lost babies.

Bottom Line Above Truth

Now, even though Pfizer safety trial documents prove that the pharmaceutical companies and FDA/CDC knew of all the potential adverse reactions, which they attempted to hide from the public for 75 years, the FDA has approved covid vaccines for little babies and children under 5.17 Their rationale? “Parents deserve to choose for their children.” Really? Where is informed consent? Where is the obligation of the FDA/CDC to protect public health? And why do they need to vax the babies? By adding covid vaccines to the CDC childhood schedule, big pharma is exempt from liability; this is essential to remove the emergency exemption from liability.18 This goal is so essential to big pharma that the trial data for this age group is completely fraudulent.19

These corrupt health institutions and evil leaders are captured by big pharma which cares only for their bottom lines burgeoning with billions in just 18 months from taxpayer dollars allotted by corrupt and power-obsessed governments that have betrayed their citizens. Convinced they are untouchable, the corrupt FDA has approved fall boosters for which no trials are required! As a member of the FDA Advisory Board, Dr. Paul Offit who is recognized as one of the top vaccinologists in the world and who has supported all prior covid vax EUAs including for babies, voted against this authorization arguing the data is unsupported and describing the meeting as “the fix was in.” This is a stunning admission by a vaccine apologist well compensated by big pharma. As mentioned, the next inevitable step is for the CDC to add the most dangerous “vaccine” in history to the childhood vaccine schedule giving permanent exemption from liability to big pharma for all ages including adults! What Dr. Offit confirmed is the blatant fraud of big pharma and our health agencies – there is no liability exemption from fraud. It is nothing less than crimes against humanity.20 Jesus weeps!

Courage to Resist & Act

In the first century AD, the Holy Spirit empowered the fast-growing church to overcome the oppressive Roman Empire. While the church grew, the Roman Empire collapsed under the weight of its tyranny and the will of God. Today’s church can learn from the early churches and Biblical leaders. Acts and the epistles of the Apostles, as well as the Revelation of John and Old Testament prophets are our guide to overcoming the current global tyranny. Rather than going along to get along, we must resist the lies and stand for our God-given freedoms. The heroic church leader in WWII, Dietrick Bonhoeffer, held tightly to the Word of God and stood up against Hitler and Nazism. He said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” We must seek the truth, share the truth, and stand for what is right. Psalm 97:10 admonishes, “You who love the Lord, hate evil and anarchy!” Proverbs 26:26 proclaims, “Though malice disguises itself with deception, its evil will be exposed publicly.”

Regarding the so-called vaccines which are really gene therapy, if you were jabbed, refuse the boosters as the negative impact on your immune system is accumulative. Seek help to detox and heal vax injuries from doctors who have studied the effect of the Spike protein and nano lipids.21 Refuse to give covid vaxes to children of any age — there is no benefit from the vax, only risk. Support nonprofits established to share the truth about the vax and global agenda. Rather than listening to mass media who repeat false narratives ad nausea, seek other sources of information that expose the lies and present true data and actual science. Censored and cancelled experts who have nothing to gain by opposing the establishment and much to lose, are the truth sayers.22 Do not remain isolated but find like-minded people to form a supportive community. Be compassionate to those who remain fixated on the false narrative. Rather than arguing, ask questions that may cause them to think about the futility of remaining captive to fear and beholden to a tyrannical government and compromised medical establishment. If your doctor is captured by the narrative, seek a new independent doctor who has critical thinking skills. If your own family is divided, show them love and be available when they need help.

Broken Trust

From health institutions and big pharma to medical centers/clinics to academia/researchers and doctors, to legislators and courts, to mass media, big tech, and corporations, public trust is shattered. This global web of corruption and deceit has betrayed the people to protect their own interests and their god of profit and control.

Knowing truth empowers people to regain health freedom, resist fear and oppression, and demand accountability of leaders at all governmental levels. If you are employed by these entities, it is time to break free and follow your conscience. Others have done so, and you can as well. Simply step out and do what is right, not what is expected, convenient, or easy.

If you are a doctor or health care worker, there are new and innovative alternative health entities seeking like-minded professionals committed to their Hippocratic Oath. Already doctors are becoming the scapegoat as Austria is the first country to place liability for vax injuries and responsibility for informed consent on physicians. If you are in media, alternative media entities seek those committed to truth in journalism. If you are in government, you also have an oath to uphold — to protect and preserve the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Act to expose corruption and hold those accountable who have violated their trust and responsibility to the citizens. If you are in academia and research and rely on CDC/NIH funding, you have an obligation to expose faulty and manipulated research. If you are a leader in corporations that mandated this experimental jab under the threat of termination, stand up for a reversal of policy, offer to rehire where possible, and apologize to your employees and stakeholders. If you cannot, then find other employment not beholden to the globalist agenda.

Faith Leaders in the Cultural Battle

Finally, faith leaders and non-profit organizations supported by the faithful, you also have a responsibility to do what is right. Whether you trusted the promoters of covid vaccination, took it yourself, or not, it is time to get on the side of truth. Confront and expose evil as Bonhoeffer admonished: “silence in the face of evil is evil.” If you have been silent to avoid offending those who believe the false science and narrative, recall during WWII that was the position of the established church. Ignoring the elephant in the room is to be self-deceived. Christian unity is in Christ, not government policies or medical treatments; there should be openness among the faithful to discuss cultural and social issues without dissention. Evil cloaked in sheep clothes seeks to destroy people of faith and the church; where there is evil, there is spiritual battle. (Ephesians 6:12) By the power of the Holy Spirit, we have spiritual armor for this age old battle and must align with Biblical truth and God’s angelic host in the fight. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Remind Christians that they are to trust in the Lord, not humans. (Jeremiah 5:6 – 8) Knowing that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit makes it vitally important to consider the consequences of taking these experimental jabs. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) Currently the most compelling motivation to speak out is the FDA/CDC’s decision to approve covid vaccines for babies and small children. Already little ones are injured and dying within days of injection of the vaccine. Jesus warns that the one who harms a little child would be better off thrown into the sea with a millstone about his neck. (Luke 17:2) Study the information provided in the references below, research the data in alternative sources, and pray for the Lord’s guidance in discerning the truth and the best way to address vaccine risks, as well as the connection to the globalist agenda with your faith followers.23

Rivers of Living Waters

The entire globalist strategy is to divide and conquer – they care not for the family, church, community, national sovereignty, or the individual. They want to deceive you, control you, own you, and even kill you. Human life is not sacred to them. They are godless and do not acknowledge that God created humans in His image.24 Yes, Jesus weeps. Not out of despair, but from the unfathomable depth of his love for humanity to bring restoration, healing, and salvation.

If you have lost a loved one or friend in the pandemic or from the vax, lost revenue, or business from lockdowns, lost a job because of mandates, lost relationships due to conflict over the vax deception and mandates, come to the source of life. “The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have rivers of living water flowing from his heart.” John 7:38 Jesus will give you streams of joy, peace, and abundant life amid chaos and the overflow of your heart shall bless others around you. His Shalom is complete. Let your tears be in gratitude for His grace. And remember that when you enter his presence in heaven, there will be no more tears. (Revelation 21:4) Meanwhile, Christians have a responsibility to intercede and act as led by the Holy Spirit to accomplish His will on earth. Amid the global darkness radiate the light of Jesus’ love. May the Lord bless you with living water flowing from your heart. May this beautiful hymn remind you of His power in every circumstance to wash your soul with His peace: Be Still My Soul – Taryn Harbridge

Selected References & Sources (PDF) (Some references include notes and comments for clarification of content.)

With blessings,
Sheryl Dawson
July 19, 2022

Prayer of confession and restoration:
Lord, forgive us for trusting in humans and not in you. We pray for discernment and wisdom in these tumultuous times when deception and fear are used to lead us astray from Your guidance and truth. We have been betrayed by our health care system, our government, our employers and by those we have trusted to protect us. They have utterly failed. Yet You have promised never to fail us but to lead us into paths of righteousness. We ask forgiveness for allowing fear and complacency to cause us to participate in a campaign of global tyranny. Restore our freedom to take responsibility for our health, to worship You in assembly with other believers, and to speak freely in all areas of knowledge, science, and spiritual truth. Expose those who have used their power and position to deceive, control and mislead the people. Bring them to justice. Destroy corrupt media, institutions, and leaders. Replace them with responsible and lawful entities and leaders who put the people before themselves. Heal those harmed by experimental vaccines and expose the fraudulent science used to manipulate our health care. We thank you for our amazing immune system and pray for restoration; teach us to strengthen our natural immunity with healthy supplements and foods. Give us courage to engage in all areas of our culture, education, media, and government that we are salt and light; enable us to activate Your transforming power in obedience to Biblical truth. Allow Your rivers of living water to flow from our hearts into the hearts of those around us. In Jesus mighty name and for His glory, Amen

Personal End Note: Very early in the lockdown I sensed that we were not being told the truth, and I prayed a simple prayer for the Lord to reveal the truth. The very first video interview I watched following my prayer was with Dr Judy Mikovits; her knowledge of virology, experience with the CDC and Dr Fauci, and passion for truth were convincing. I knew the Lord was answering my prayer. If you ask the Lord to lead you to the truth, He will answer as He is not a God of confusion.

Since then, having read and listened to thousands of articles/videos on the pandemic/ vaccines/ health and globalist topics, and having attempted to share them on social media, I personally experienced censorship. Not only is censorship un-American, but it is evil in its intent to deceive and hide the truth. We must stand for free speech as it is our God-given right.

I hope the selected resources enlighten you and that you will share with your community of contacts; if you have limited time you may like to focus on the items bolded in Selected References & Sources linked below. If the data and science seem overwhelming, listen to these science fiction shows from 2003 and 2016: X Files episode, “My Struggle II” aired February 22, 2016 (Season 10, Episode 6) Clip: 2016 X-Files Episode: Predictive Programming? ( Ben Armstrong discusses this TV show and another from 2003 that is also eerily predictive, Dead Zone Plague. If these science fiction shows that play like 2020 – 2022 reality TV do not open your eyes to the globalist plan, nothing will! It is not that they are prophetic, but Hollywood hob knobs with the technical and global elite who have implemented the plan they have been concocting for decades!

I also recommend the new Canadian documentary produced in association with the Children’s Health Defense which compellingly addresses most of the pandemic and vaccine topics in this article: Uninformed Consent: A Matador Films Documentary followed by a doctors panel discussion with the producer on Friday Roundtable July 29 2022 Children’s Health Defense.

Finally, some good news is that the first class action law suit by a faith based organization against mandates that denied religious exemptions was won: Chicago Health Care Workers’ Class Action Against “Vaccine” Mandate Settle for $10.3 million July 31 2022. I believe this is a “hole in the dike” which will lead to a great flood of “living water” wins against the unlawful mandates for an experimental drug.

You may like to follow the most recent research and data, for which I recommend these sources among others referenced:

Thread of Redemption: Easter/Passover 2022


In all these things we are triumphantly victorious due to the one who loved us…nothing can separate us from the love of God that is ours in union with the Messiah Jesus, our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39

Have you ever experienced a loose thread in a favorite sweater that you were afraid to pull lest it create a hole or run in the fabric? Life is a little like a favorite garment as we experience challenges and disappointments that represent loose threads! We are unsure of how to fix them to enable us to move on and enjoy our life even when it may seem to wear thin. The threads in the fabric of life are often fragile, but there is a symbolic thread that provides hope for our redemption.

The Goat with Red Thread

The ancient Hebrew people had a tradition on their new year in which they placed a red thread or string around the neck of a goat to signify the sins of the nation. As they sacrificed one goat, they would release the other with the red string into the wilderness to carry away their sins. That goat with the red thread represented redemption for the sins of a nation. (Leviticus 16:21-22) This tradition was but a type of the prophesied Messiah who would come to serve in both capacities of the slain goat and the loosed goat. Indeed, the Messiah became the sacrificial lamb once for all! (Hebrews 9:12)

Passover Lamb

Another Biblical type for the Messiah’s sacrifice took place during the days of Moses on Passover, the night God sent a great plague over Egypt that would take the lives of the first born. The Hebrew people placed the blood of a sacrificed lamb on their lintels, so the Angel of Death passed over their homes. They ate the sacrificial lamb and thanked the Lord for their deliverance from the plague and their bondage. (Exodus 12) Passover is celebrated as a remembrance in Jewish homes around the world with a traditional meal of lamb and a cup of wine signifying redemption. Jesus celebrated a Passover meal with His disciples the night before His crucifixion.

The Messiah Arrives

There are many types and shadows of the redemptive message throughout the Old Testament. At the right time in history, after the Hebrew people waited 4000 years for the arrival of Messiah, God sent His son, Jesus, by virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14) who fulfilled over 300 prophesies of Messiah. Now 2000 years after His death and resurrection (Isaiah 53) Christians celebrate His saving grace on Easter. With His resurrection we know without a shadow of a doubt that He was and is the Messiah. (Matthew 16:21)

Messiah’s Return in the End Times

Jesus also prophesied after His resurrection and appearance to over 500 disciples, that He would return in the same way He was taken in His ascent to heaven. When Jesus returns, He will fulfill the remainder of the Messianic prophecies of the coming King of Kings, just as the placard on His cross proclaimed Him.

When the disciples asked Jesus when the end times will come, He responded in detail about
the signs for which we must watch: For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these events are the beginning of birth pains… But the one who endures to the end will be delivered. This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come… So you, too, must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you are not expecting.
Matthew 24

Since many in the past have declared their own times as the end, some are not looking for His return. But Jesus and the disciples encourage us to watch and be ready, because we know not the precise time! Indeed, many prophecies have been fulfilled that point to the soon return of Jesus.

With the world in turmoil the signs Jesus indicated are visible to those who are aware. In fact, it seems like loose threads are everywhere in the garment of life! People around the world feel overwhelmed with fear and foreboding as though were they to pull even one loose thread their lives would completely unravel. Yet Jesus who holds all things together by His Word, (Hebrews 1:3) also encouraged us to not be dismayed but anticipate with hope and assurance that He shall indeed return for His bride, the church. (John 14:27)

Trust in the Redeemer

We know in whom we have believed and are persuaded that nothing can prevent His love from redeeming us on earth and for eternity. (Romans 8:37-39) Put your trust in the One who can save Jew and Gentile, man and woman, black and white, for there is no distinction in His eyes. We are all made in His image – mind, spirit, and soul – and by receiving His grace, proclaiming His Kingship, and living our lives for Him we are destined to bring Him glory. This Holy week whether you observe Passover or Easter, fix your eyes upon our salvation, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Messiah, and sing Hallelujah! (An Easter Hallelujah Cassandra Star & her sister Callahan)

With blessings,
Sheryl Dawson
April 13, 2022

A Merry Little Christmas


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White as Snow: Easter & Passover Reflections 2021


Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18

After a year of turmoil from the pandemic, lockdowns and masking, economic and business disruptions and closures, unemployment and remote school, racial demonstrations and riots, election irregularities and political partisanship, big tech and media censorship in science and politics, and federal policy change chaos affecting virtually all levels of society, not to omit natural disasters, it is hard to imagine just what we may face next! Thankfully Jesus promised, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 During Passover and Easter week it is encouraging to realize that we need not fear earthly trials and tribulations.

Passover Lamb – Celebrate Salvation

While the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt, God miraculously provided a way to freedom from Pharaoh. As the Angel of death passed over Egypt in the final plague, the Israelites were protected in their homes by the blood of a lamb on the lintel and doorposts. The Jewish Passover foreshadowed Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of all people: “Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” I Corinthians 5:7 The Exodus from Egyptian bondage following Passover was likewise a foreshadowing of mankind’s ultimate salvation or “exodus” from sin, the leaven that separates us from God. Isn’t it amazing “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Shalom of God – Bless Others

When we focus on the chaos surrounding us, listening to the voices of those who seek to control us through fear and intimidation, succumbing to the enslavement of their false worldview, and buckling to their derisive censorship that would silence truth, we abandon our God-given identity in Christ. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” I John 3:1 Knowing we are His and abiding in Him, we instead can focus on the peace that only comes from God: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 His peace is far greater than the peace of this world. As the Prince of Peace, Jesus’ perfect peace envelops and empowers mind, body, and soul. His all-encompassing Spirit of grace, love, joy, and hope brings abundant life: “For if, by the trespass of the one man (Adam), death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!” Romans 5:17 This peace is the fulfillment of the Hebrew Shalom spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah 800 years before Jesus was born:

If only you had paid attention to my commands, your Shalom would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea.” Isaiah 48:18

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us Shalom was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their Shalom.” Isaiah 54:13

After the resurrection as Christ was about to ascend to heaven, He prayed the priestly blessing over the disciples: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord bless you and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you Shalom.” Numbers 6:24-26 We too can receive and recite over others this powerful blessing!

I am the Vine – Bear the Fruit of the Spirit

Throughout the gospels, the disciples reference that Jesus is the vine and we the branches: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” John 13:1-2 As we remain in Him allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us, our fruit shall be abundant enabling the will of the Father to be accomplished on earth as in Heaven. Because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who like water coursing through the vine and branches, we are enabled to be His hands and feet around the world. Indeed, Christ’s last command was to “go into all the world, preaching the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15 The gospel of Jesus transforms lives, brings souls into relationship with Him, and sprouts new branches to bear fruit: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23

I am truth – Go into All the World

One of my favorite Christian authors is CS Lewis. His last story published in 1959 shortly before his death was an epilogue to Screwtape’s Letters in which Screwtape, the devil, proposes a toast at a dinner honoring the graduation of new devils whose purpose is to tempt humans to sin. Screwtape elaborates about the ease of the task in the modern world in which society has adopted mindsets supporting one’s sin nature, or in other words normalizing sin! His expose’ predicts precisely what has happened in our society in the last 6 decades! By squeezing individuality and excellence out of the public educational system we promote commonality and mediocrity. By allowing governmental institutions to control all aspects of society and citizens, incentives to excel, innovate, and produce are removed thereby undermining freedom of choice. Lewis makes the point that what was once the strategy of tyrants to suppress their subjects or commoners in the Middle Ages, is now that of democratic governments!

Screwtape laments that democracies have taken the fun out of the tempters’ job by promoting their own destruction: “It is our function to encourage the behavior, manners, whole attitude of mind, which democracies naturally like and enjoy, because these are the very things which, if unchecked, will destroy democracy.” Yes, “Satan prowls about like a roaring lion looking for whom he can devour,” (I Peter 5:8) but so too do godless leaders and policies that subvert righteousness and faith.

In the first century, the Roman Empire dominated the world and subjugated Israel. Yet Jesus did not come to overturn the ruling government, but rather to overcome sin, crushing the head of the serpent Satan, the father of lies and deception. Our salvation is not in governments nor leaders but in Jesus. He set captives free by taking upon Himself the sins of all humans for all generations. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the Life; no one cometh unto the Father but by me.” John 14:6 When we seek solutions to our problems outside Biblical truth, we subvert His plan of salvation.

CS Lewis’ satirical story reminds us that truth does not change with time or with governments or social trends. Jesus asked us to “Take up your cross daily and follow Him.” (Luke 9:23) Therefore, we must be willing to suffer for the gospel, to stand on the rock of Biblical values and to speak the truth in love. These are actions fulfill the great commission to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) Jesus described Himself as the Good Shepherd and commanded Peter to feed His sheep. It is through His church that Christ as head continues His ministry of sacrificial service not only to the body of believers but through them to the whole world multiplying His flock.

I am the Resurrection — Be an Overcomer

On Resurrection Day we celebrate that while Christ died a horrible death on the cross of salvation, He rose again to conquer sin and Satan. He declared to the Pharisees that in three days He would rebuild the temple, prophesying His resurrection. When He raised Lazarus from the dead Jesus demonstrated His power and authority over death. And when after the resurrection He showed Himself in several visitations to over 500 disciples, Jesus proved His claim to deity. Jesus is the Son of God and Son of Man! “Looking unto Jesus… who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross. Despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 By His sacrifice we have eternal life and are made white as snow. With acceptance of His gift of salvation, we too are overcomers not only in eternity but in this life. Through the power of His Holy Spirit, we overcome all challenges this fallen earthly life brings. This Easter/Passover embrace His grace, receive salvation, and overcome the world!

With blessings,
Sheryl Dawson
April 1, 2021

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