Thread of Redemption: Easter/Passover 2022

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In all these things we are triumphantly victorious due to the one who loved us…nothing can separate us from the love of God that is ours in union with the Messiah Jesus, our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39

Have you ever experienced a loose thread in a favorite sweater that you were afraid to pull lest it create a hole or run in the fabric? Life is a little like a favorite garment as we experience challenges and disappointments that represent loose threads! We are unsure of how to fix them to enable us to move on and enjoy our life even when it may seem to wear thin. The threads in the fabric of life are often fragile, but there is a symbolic thread that provides hope for our redemption.

The Goat with Red Thread

The ancient Hebrew people had a tradition on their new year in which they placed a red thread or string around the neck of a goat to signify the sins of the nation. As they sacrificed one goat, they would release the other with the red string into the wilderness to carry away their sins. That goat with the red thread represented redemption for the sins of a nation. (Leviticus 16:21-22) This tradition was but a type of the prophesied Messiah who would come to serve in both capacities of the slain goat and the loosed goat. Indeed, the Messiah became the sacrificial lamb once for all! (Hebrews 9:12)

Passover Lamb

Another Biblical type for the Messiah’s sacrifice took place during the days of Moses on Passover, the night God sent a great plague over Egypt that would take the lives of the first born. The Hebrew people placed the blood of a sacrificed lamb on their lintels, so the Angel of Death passed over their homes. They ate the sacrificial lamb and thanked the Lord for their deliverance from the plague and their bondage. (Exodus 12) Passover is celebrated as a remembrance in Jewish homes around the world with a traditional meal of lamb and a cup of wine signifying redemption. Jesus celebrated a Passover meal with His disciples the night before His crucifixion.

The Messiah Arrives

There are many types and shadows of the redemptive message throughout the Old Testament. At the right time in history, after the Hebrew people waited 4000 years for the arrival of Messiah, God sent His son, Jesus, by virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14) who fulfilled over 300 prophesies of Messiah. Now 2000 years after His death and resurrection (Isaiah 53) Christians celebrate His saving grace on Easter. With His resurrection we know without a shadow of a doubt that He was and is the Messiah. (Matthew 16:21)

Messiah’s Return in the End Times

Jesus also prophesied after His resurrection and appearance to over 500 disciples, that He would return in the same way He was taken in His ascent to heaven. When Jesus returns, He will fulfill the remainder of the Messianic prophecies of the coming King of Kings, just as the placard on His cross proclaimed Him.

When the disciples asked Jesus when the end times will come, He responded in detail about
the signs for which we must watch: For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these events are the beginning of birth pains… But the one who endures to the end will be delivered. This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come… So you, too, must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you are not expecting.
Matthew 24

Since many in the past have declared their own times as the end, some are not looking for His return. But Jesus and the disciples encourage us to watch and be ready, because we know not the precise time! Indeed, many prophecies have been fulfilled that point to the soon return of Jesus.

With the world in turmoil the signs Jesus indicated are visible to those who are aware. In fact, it seems like loose threads are everywhere in the garment of life! People around the world feel overwhelmed with fear and foreboding as though were they to pull even one loose thread their lives would completely unravel. Yet Jesus who holds all things together by His Word, (Hebrews 1:3) also encouraged us to not be dismayed but anticipate with hope and assurance that He shall indeed return for His bride, the church. (John 14:27)

Trust in the Redeemer

We know in whom we have believed and are persuaded that nothing can prevent His love from redeeming us on earth and for eternity. (Romans 8:37-39) Put your trust in the One who can save Jew and Gentile, man and woman, black and white, for there is no distinction in His eyes. We are all made in His image – mind, spirit, and soul – and by receiving His grace, proclaiming His Kingship, and living our lives for Him we are destined to bring Him glory. This Holy week whether you observe Passover or Easter, fix your eyes upon our salvation, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Messiah, and sing Hallelujah! (An Easter Hallelujah Cassandra Star & her sister Callahan)

With blessings,
Sheryl Dawson
April 13, 2022

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